Migun Bed Therapy
Combining acupressure, acupuncture, far-infrared heat therapy, chiropractic techniques, and massage to promote holistic health and equilibrium.

Experience the revolutionary Migun Bed, a cutting-edge therapy that harmonizes Western and Eastern medicine to deliver a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating full-body massage.
Endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association, the Migun Bed integrates acupressure, acupuncture, far-infrared heat therapy, chiropractic techniques, and massage to support holistic wellness and restore balance.
This therapy offers numerous health benefits, including pain and stress relief, improved sleep quality, weight management, enhanced circulation, detoxification, and lowered blood pressure. Rediscover balance and vitality with the Migun Bed experience.
How It Works

Infrared Heat
The bed uses far infrared rays to penetrate deep into the body, promoting increased blood circulation, relieving muscle tension, and enhancing relaxation. This heat supports detoxification and improves overall well-being.

The bed's design often includes acupressure points that stimulate specific areas of the body, similar to acupuncture but without needles. This can help alleviate pain, reduce stress, and balance energy flow.

Massage Features
Mechanical massage functions provide soothing, rhythmic movements to mimic various massage techniques, targeting different muscle groups. The bed’s design targets specific areas precisely like the abdomen and pelvis, enhancing blood flow and tension relief.

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Relaxation and Stress Relief
Infrared heated probes deliver soothing warmth to the spine and legs, promoting muscle relaxation and reducing stress.

Cumulative Benefits
Regular use (3-4 times a week) can yield noticeable improvements in 2-4 weeks, with over 90% of users reporting decreased pain and enhanced mobility.

Holistic Health Benefits
A 30-minute Migun bed session offers benefits akin to an hour of vigorous exercise, aiding calorie burning and improving blood glucose levels.
Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended, especially for those with underlying health conditions.
How May It Benefit Me
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the EES modality safe for everyone, including pregnant women and those with medical conditions?The EES is generally considered safe for most people, including pregnant women and those with medical conditions. However, it is always important to consult with a healthcare professional before you visit us.
How long is an EESystem™ Session?People typically stay in the EESystem™ for 2 hours or more. Depending on your personal goals and needs, it is recommended to visit us regularly, as results are cumulative.
How should I prepare for my EESystem™ Session?It is recommended to drink plenty of water and electrolytes before, during and after each session Wear comfy clothes and plan to bring layers should you become chilly while you are in deep relaxation We recommend bringing your own pillow and blanket Plan to close your eyes for the greatest power nap/meditation Set your intentions for what you want to achieve. Come with an open heart and mind and be ready to experience the Universal frequencies with every cell of your body Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your session; sessions start at scheduled times Guests are required to complete the Liability Waiver & Release Form prior to their session Following your session, it is strongly recommended to do a detox bath (either full body or foot) within 24 hours of being in the EESystem™ to aid with the detoxification process
Are there Night EESystem™ Sessions?Yes! Our rejuvenating Night Sessions are 10 hours: 9:00pm to 7:00am. Some things to note for our Night Sessions: Plan to arrive at 8:45pm $650+HST per person Eye Masks ($5) are available for purchase We offer free earplugs For this special session we offer inflatable beds with fitted sheets Please bring your own pillows and blankets
Are there any side-effects from the EESystem™ ?The EE System generates multiple bio-active energy fields including “scalar waves” and biophotonic light which improves overall wellness and detoxification capabilities. However, some people may possibly experience detoxification including the intensification of physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms. Individual results and experiences may vary according to the person’s lifestyle as well as medical, psychological and physiological condition(s). Please consult your healthcare provider before using our services.
What effects will an EESystem™ Session have on my body?The system uses scalar energy to transmit information to the cells in your body. Bio-Scalar Energy will allow you to: Improve your cognitive and immune functions Regulate the nutrient intake of your body Eliminate waste from each cell in your body Cleanse your body from toxins Relieve anxiety and depression
What are the benefits of an EESystem™ Session?Deep relaxation and meditative states Pain and inflammation relief Improved immune function Increased confidence and emotional stability Accelerated recovery post-surgery and injury Increased energy Improved skin texture and appearance Improved stress tolerance & sleep Enhanced learning states, improved creativity Improved mental focus (as measured by EEG) Balancing of right and left brain hemispheres (measured by EEG) Improved athletic performance Improved blood tests Detoxification and oxygenation Promotes antidepressant activity as it reduces noradrenaline uptake Results will vary greatly depending on the individual and what other holistic approaches they are pursuing. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. The Etheric Alignment Studio does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, mitigate, cure, prevent or diagnose illness. This device is not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, be sure to consult your healthcare practitioner. Please refer back to the testimonials, research studies and clinicals found on the EESystem website. We hope this empowers you to learn and make your own decisions regarding your own health and wellness.
How many EESystem™ Sessions are necessary?Each case is unique to the individual according to their various physical, mental and emotional conditions. Although you may notice changes after one EE Session, effects are cumulative.
How long do the effects of an EESystem™ Session last?The effects of sitting in this “charged” field are cumulative. The more you are exposed, the more your body can move toward a healthy millivolt level. The body begins to rejuvenate itself and initiates a powerful process of self-healing. EESystem™ provides the ideal “frequency bath” and the body responds with its innate wisdom, recalibrating to homeostasis. Many people choose to purchase EEMedallions and EEBracelets to take with them and enhance their wellness journey. Some effects are reportedly temporary (mood elevation) and others are reportedly cumulative and long lasting (detox and repair). Please note no claims of specific health results are being made.
What should I do after an EESystem™ Session?Drink clean water (a gallon a day). Take a Salt Bath The salt bath recipe is: 2 cups of sea salt (any good sea salt; not Epsom salt) 2 cups baking soda 1 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax Optional additions: Pine oil or other essential oil ½ cup bentonite clay 2 tsp to ¼ cup of ginger powder 2 tsp to ¼ cup matcha green tea 2 cups food grade or regular hydrogen peroxide Put the ingredients in a tub of hot water and soak for 30 minutes or more with a wet towel over the chest. It is also beneficial to scrub your skin while in the bath. It is recommended to use a magnesium lotion or magnesium oil with coconut oil following the bath. Key diet concepts are: Fresh, Live, Raw – emphasize fruits and vegetables Lemons, grapefruits, limes, berries Raw nuts Healthy fats such as avocados and olives Lots of greens Choose organic foods if possible Make healthier, more intelligent, more informed choices for yourself Drink water with the juice from half a lemon in the morning upon waking Schedule additional sessions as close together as possible to maintain momentum in your healing journey CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO BETTER RESULTS. Please use the Contact page to email any comments regarding your experience and outcomes you are willing to share with us. Also, please indicate in your email if we can use your first name and testimonial.
Are pets allowed to accompany me for an EE Session?At this time no pets are permitted at the Studio. If you have any questions please contact the Studio.
What is the pricing?A minimum of 2 hours in the EESystem is recommended. You have the option of selecting one session or to invest in a pre-paid package. Please visit our Pricing page for more information. We also offer Promotions and Events on a regular basis.